Luke 20:9-16 (from "the Word")

9....A certain man planted a vineyard, and let it forth to husbandmen, and went into a far country for a long time. 10 And at the season he sent a servant to the husbandmen, that they should give him of the fruit of the vineyard: but the husbandmen beat him, and sent him away empty. 11 And again he sent another servant: and they beat him also, and entreated him shamefully, and sent him away empty. 12 And again he sent a third: and they wounded him also, and cast him out. 13 Then said the lord of the vineyard, What shall I do? I will send my beloved son: it may be they will reverence him when they see him. 14 But when the husbandmen saw him, they reasoned among themselves, saying, This is the heir: come, let us kill him, that the inheritance may be ours. 15 So they cast him out of the vineyard, and killed him. What therefore shall the lord of the vineyard do unto them? 16 He shall come and destroy these husbandmen, and shall give the vineyard to others. Luke 20:9-16 (from "the Word")

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Accept the New Online World Trend—Facebook Marketing Changes! Just got comfortable with Facebook Pages? And now they Changed it? Here's a solution...

Did you know that Facebook now ranks second for traffic generation among all thewebsites on the Internet? It is second only to Google in terms of the traffic it gets.

Right now, there are approximately 500 million active users on Facebook, and the number is increasing with each passing day. Think about it. This kind of population ismore than most countries of the world. In fact, there are only three countries that have apopulation higher than that!

Online marketers have been quite quick to latch on to the immense popularity of Facebook. They know that if they make a presence here, they are opening their business out to the world—getting global exposure in a way that they cannot do by anything else. Studies show that the number of Facebook users have increased by one-fourth over the last year in 47 countries. Naturally, no online marketer worth their salt is going to let this opportunity pass. This has given rise to the concept of Facebook marketing.

Most of these online marketers who are making the most of Facebook marketing know the relevance of projecting their profiles in a particular way. That is evident because these people are looking beyond simple social networking. They are trying to build acreditable network, a fan base for their business that they can tap into for their business profits.

One of the things that they do is to create a professional business page for themselves instead of the routine profiles that people create on Facebook. These professional pages give out a no-nonsense impression of their business to their target niche. Infact, with the help of recent applications like FB Maxed, it is possible for Internet entrepreneurs to place their entire website onto their Facebook profile. This helps them create the right impression in their market and they can even make these websites with clickable URLs so that interested people can go and visit the real thing. These websites can embed videos right into the Facebook profile page itself. All these things do make a huge difference.

With the great popularity of Facebook, the concept of Facebook marketing has gained in strength as well. People are now coming to Facebook with the idea of finding a good product that they would like to invest in. It also gives them a chance to discover a new product and check out the reviews from fellow Facebookers. On the other hand, formarketers, applications like FB Maxed have created an immense potential to take their products out to the niche market.

Indeed, Facebook marketing is here to stay!
Republished with author's permission by Sylvia Kinzie 
Check out Facebook Maxed 
Click Here

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

On Charlie Sheen. Quite possibly the most stupid, clueless, arrogant man in America, self-destruction his specialty.

Dr. Lant comments on Charlie Sheen's fall from the trough. 
Presented here by Sylvia Kinzie

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Until a day or two ago, your salary was $1.8 million dollars a WEEK, with a plethora of lucrative side deals, too.

You were the highest paid television personality... and had more of the same to come.

Your face was (almost) as well known as the President's, and you had your own bully pulpit for odd comments, half-baked political opinions, bombast, and fatuity.

You are Charlie Sheen and the world (particularly those glued to the tube) is fascinated by what you did this week... and why you did it.

Some facts about Charlie.

He was born Carlos Irwin Estevez, September 3, 1965 in New York City.  He has a famous father (Martin Sheen), a less famous mother (Janet Templeton) and three siblings of various degrees of fame and fortune.

Until he took up his true metier -- grandiloquence and self-parody --- he was an actor of increasing renown. His character roles in films have included Chris Taylor in the 1986 Vietnam War drama "Platoon," Jake Kesey ini the 1986 film "The Wraith", and  Bud Fox in the 1987 film "Wall Street." He has also appeared in comedic films.

On television, Sheen is known for his roles on two sitcoms: Charlie Crawford on "Spin City" and  as Charlie Harper on "Two and a Half Men."

His net worth, based on this oeuvre, is estimated to be $85 million.

Unfortunately, Sheen is an example of a person who feels that success in his chosen field gives him the God-sanctioned right to run amuck, hurting others as he goes.

Thus as his bank balance escalated, so did the number of illegal, immoral and just plain dumb incidents, with Charlie never wrong, always right, a textbook example of self-righteousness and self-delusion, and always giving pain. His legion of fans watched and shrugged. He made them laugh, and that was all they cared about.

Item: Sheen has been married three times and has five children, including one with his former high school girlfriend, Paula Profit. These women can all testify to Sheen's disdain for women and his physical abuse. Sheen seems to operate on the assumption that to have a woman without mauling her (not to mention the psychological damage) is an insult to his machismo. To avenge this slur on his honor, he hurts them some more.

Because fidelity is not part of his creed, Sheen also dabbles in female porno stars like Ginger Lynn and Heather Hunter.  I suspect these tele-cuties are Sheen's favorites since they fulfill fantasies... and can be discarded as the industry delivers new delectations for his amusement.

Item: In 1995 Sheen married, as his first wife, Donna Peele. It was that year, he also figured prominently in the Heidi Fleiss affair,  no doubt justifying his wandering eye by pointing out just how many husbands were serviced (then embarrassed)  by this notorious madam. Charlie had cash to burn and celebrity status. Women were playthings, casually acquired, often expensively thrown away. As Tina Turner said, "What's love got to do with it?" Charlie could calibrate his answer to a fine point.

Item: On May 20, 1998 Sheen overdosed on self-injected cocaine and was hospitalized. A warrant was issued for his arrest, and Sheen was sent to rehab.

Item: On June 15, 2002, two years after they met on the set of the movie (ironically) titled "Good Advice", Sheen married actress Denise Richards. In March, 2005, after bearing two daughters Richards filed for divorce citing Sheen's alcohol and drugs abuse and (now customary) threats of violence. In the custody dispute that followed, Richards was graphic in what passed for marital bliss chez Sheen.

But Charlie was just getting started in his egregious avocation of selecting and injuring his victims.

Another item: In 2009, Sheen was arrested and released from jail after posting an $8,500 bond. According to Debbie Kendrick of Pitkin County Jail, Sheen was charged with felony menacing as well as third-degree assault and criminal mischief. According to a story by Associated Press reporter Solomon Banda,  he was "sentenced to 30 days in a rehabilitation center, 30 days of probation, and 36 hours of anger management" and will be unable legally to possess a gun for the rest of his life.

While Charlie was perfecting his well-tempered skills for fracas and mayhem, his show "Two and a Half Men" (the lead part he garnered in 2003) soared in popularity, in part because of its crucial placement after "Everybody Loves Raymond" Monday nights.

Charlie was now very, very rich... and very, very out of control. He enjoyed the combination...

Charlie now took dead aim at the hand that was feeding him -- Warner Bros. He wanted them to know he didn't know the old adage about not biting it. Rather he did so frequently, belligerently, outrageously. After all, Charlie took everything personally, and was adept at the alchemy of turning good fortune into bile.

Warner Bros. tolerated it most of the time. After all, Charlie was well and truly the golden boy. But Charlie demanded apologies for nothing and everything and took umbrage when he didn't get them, even if nothing had occurred to warrant such obeisance. What did he care for truth, justice, and the American way; he was the real Superman, and if he said he should get an apology, by goodness he meant to get it -- or else.

Warner Bros., be it to their eternal credit, tried hard to appease the unappeasable Charlie. He made it more and more difficult, with more and more moments of rancor, physical violence, drug abuse. Early in 2011, Charlie decided to up the ante. On February 28, 2011, during a national television interview in his home he demanded an immediate 50% raise in his salary -- or else. His language, as always, was often less than Webster's Dictionary... but his menacing message was clear and was public to boot.

Warner Bros. had enough and on March 7, 2011, CBS and Warner Bros. fired him... whereupon Charlie, always being Charlie, disseminated language- challenged e-mails and misspelled vituperations. The gravy train had stopped, perhaps forever.

What is the message for all of us in this riveting drama? First, to avoid Charlie Sheen at all costs. He is very bad news, indeed. Then, when considering what he has done to so many, to do the reverse. It is a prescription for serenity and sainthood, neither of which Charlie Sheen will ever see, for all that he's named after a famous archbishop, camera-ready Fulton J. Sheen.  He had his troubles, too.

About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc.,

where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online.
Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books.
Republished with author's permission by Sylvia Kinzie

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Why the New Hampshire presidential primary will and must remain the nation's first.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

They're at it again.

Picking on the little guy.

Telling you you don't deserve it...  trying to take away your chief claim to fame and fortune.

But this little guy is shrewd, he's been through all this before, and will, I predict and hope, remain the little guy we want to hold the very first presidential primary every four years.

You are the State of New Hampshire... and  I, for one, though from one of the big states with a lackluster primary, support you and salute you for the supremely smart ways you use to retain your crucial #1 primary position.

Unlike the covetous folks from Florida, Michigan, even California who don't know  you. I do; New Hampshire after all is only 30 minutes away from Cambridge, Massachusetts. I know just how tenacious, inventive, clever you are.... and just how much you value and love your place in America's political history.

You are New Hampshire... and no one is going to take your beloved presidential primary away from you, though this year as always they are trying like the dickens to do just that.

Some background

The first New Hampshire presidential primary was held in 1916. On the Republican side a slate of unpledged delegates was elected. The reigning GOP establishment ordinarily did this when there was no sitting Republican president (like Calvin Coolidge in 1924); they could use these delegates to bargain.

The first named person to win the New Hampshire primary was President Woodrow Wilson. He then went on win a second term.

The primary didn't begin to take on its current significance until 1952. The Republicans had been out of power since 1932 and were desperate to get the White House back. Senator Robert Taft of Ohio ("Mr. Republican"), son of President William Howard Taft, was expected to net the nomination. But a group of Republicans,  including twice defeated (1944, 1948) presidential candidate Thomas E. Dewey, were sure Taft was a loser. They wanted General Dwight David Eisenhower.

Eisenhower was what America loves, a real bona fide hero, scandal free, a household name. "I like Ike," said the famous campaign button... and everybody else did too.

So likeable, so electable,  was Ike that both the Democrats and the Republicans went after him as their preferred presidential candidate.  Having simplified its ballot access rules in 1949, New Hampshire was ready to make history in 1952.

However, was Eisenhower a Democrat... or a Republican? No one, maybe even the General himself, knew.... President Truman, however, offered to forego another run in favor of Eisenhower if the Democrats could get him. The Republicans also wanted him. Eisenhower chose the GOP; Truman threw his hat in again though he had spirited competition in folksy Tennessee Senator Estes Kefauver. New Hampshire was poised to make history... and it did.

First Kefauver beat Truman, thereby ending the President's political career, sending him back, embittered, to Independence, Missouri and his nagging mother- in-law, who still thought he hadn't been good enough for her dowdy daughter Bess. Then Ike pulverized Taft. New Hampshire woke up to the fact that it was Important, Very, Very Important. And they have never forgotten, making history over and over again; each time enraging other states... who don't like the power and glory of the pip-squeak.

They say, envy and jealousy unpleasantly apparent, that New Hampshire is too small to have this honor.... its population insufficiently representative of America...  its kind of personal politics outmoded in the age of mass media.

New Hampshire's clipped, New England response?  "Nuts" (The celebrated reply of U.S. General McAuliffe when asked in 1944 to surrender.) Here is their more complete response.

On the matter of retail politics being outmoded, New Hampshire says that it provides an absolutely crucial service for both candidates and America. Candidates, they rightly say, need time to perfect their message and learn how to interact with people... and run a better campaign. They learn these skills in New Hampshire and from its citizens, who, remember, tutor the candidates every four years.

Folks in New Hampshire pepper the candidates with every kind of query and remark; the better to know them, the better to educate them. Its citizens come to see and know the candidates well, weighing their merits and demerits, scrutinizing them up close and personal.

Candidates who are not known before the New Hampshire primary are able to use foot power and meagre campaign budgets to gain adherents and become effective persuaders. They couldn't do this elsewhere, in other states; there the logistics work against this approach.

New Hampshire, advocates of other, bigger states, aver is unrepresentative of America. This criticism roils its citizens.

Have we not paid America's taxes?

Have we not fought America's wars?

Have the sons and, yes, the daughters, too, of our Granite State not died to maintain the nation?

Have we not helped America by conscientiously scrutinizing each and every candidate helping to select the best of what this great country offers?

Is all this not enough to keep the institution we have created, protected, built?

No, these covetous, big states say, it is not enough... and never will be. You are small and weak, New Hampshire, we shall eat you and take the presidential primary you have fashioned, with all its emoluments and perquisites, the money, the fame, the storied place in our nation's legend.

New Hampshire's ultimate weapon.

For just such states and circumstances, New Hampshire has on its books a purposeful law. This strict law, universally popular and supported by every Granite State citizen of whatever party, mandates that the New Hampshire primary must and shall be held at least one week before ANY other state's presidential primary.

In this law, the mouse has well and truly roared.

This is why, about a year from today (or earlier if necessary to maintain its primacy) the good citizens of New Hampshire will trek through the snow and mud to exercise one of the chief rights of our democracy; to advance some, to rusticate others, with grave deliberation and forethought. It is New Hampshire's pride to do so... and they will do whatever is necessary to keep it, "Live Free or Die."

About The Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc.
where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online.
Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books.
Republished with author's permission by Sylvia Kinzie
 Check out Auto Profit Sniper
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Top 25 Search Engine Optimization Companies

Our Director of Website Development at Worldprofit Inc., Sandi Hunter has the cutting edge perspective on all internet issues.  Presented by Sylvia Kinzie

The Internet is filled with so-called marketing experts and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) agencies. It's a speeding train in a changing marketplace. Some agencies have kept up to the times by integrating social media strategies, others haven't.

The SEO world has evolved rapidly in recent years with social media quickly gaining a much stronger foothold than most experts originally thought. Social media was once believed to be a waste of time by many, SEO experts now realize the power of social media to reach new markets and generate new revenue opportunities. Paid search and mobile applications cannot be ignored and have changed the SEO landscape.  It's a relatively new field of expertise constantly in flux. As experts learn more clever ways to improve site ranking, the major search engines react by updating their indexing procedures. Just recently Google announced major changes to how they index sites in direct response to what they call content-farms that create skewed search results.

Here is a compiled a list of 25 Search Engine Optimization Agencies who will create and manage your SEO campaigns.

Spend some time at these sites, you will learn a lot and can make a comparative analysis.


SEO is not a task for the faint of heart. It takes time, money and a lot of patience to build a successful SEO campaign. Large companies hire staff just to create online content for social media sites.

For those of you without deep pockets, there are a number of do-it yourself software programs many of which are used by professional SEO companies. If you have the desire and time to learn, you can create and manage your own SEO campaigns.  Training companies like Worldprofit Inc., offer software, guided instruction with live and video training on SEO and other online business strategies. With access to the best resources, you can get really good at it for your business purposes, then offer these services as a consultant.  SEO experts and Social Media Content Managers are and will continue to be a highly paid profession.

About the Author: 
Sandi Hunter is the  Director of Website Development at Worldprofit Inc.where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online.
The company offers a free Associate membership.

Republished with author's permission by Sylvia Kinzie

Check out Auto Profit Sniper =>  Click Here

Monday, March 7, 2011

A true tale of the city of Boston. and of Penelope the snake. We all know (but do not all love) thee..... yet.

Penelope the snake goes for a ride ...a long ride, expensive Dr Lant 
presented here by  Sylvia Kinzie

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

How's your general knowledge about Boa dumerili? Yeah, mine too. Decided limited.

But then, you know, not planning any future visits to Madagascar or Reunion Island... and never, ever visiting the reptile house at the zoo (been there, done that, nightmares to prove it), I little thought I'd ever need such knowledge.

How wrong I was.

So, without quite yet telling you why, let's start with...

Facts about Dumeril's boa.

As you've by now deduced, Dumeril's boa is native to (and really in my humble opinion should stay in) Madagascar and Reunion Island. I know myself very little about either place, although I do recall the young Countess Rostova in "War and Peace" wondering what it would be like to go to Madagascar. If she was here to read this article, she'd select, I think, another destination.

So you won't be apprehensive as you read this report, I hasten to inform you that this boa is non-venomous. You'll soon see why this fact (though insufficiently known) is pertinent to my story.

Adults usually grow to 6.5 feet (2 m) in length, with the maximum reported to be 8 foot, 6 inches (259 cm). I feel obliged to tell you males have longer flatter tails, whilst females tend to be larger overall. This fact is, I'm sure you agree, of more interest to the dumerils than to you and me, but perhaps I underrate your interest.

Their color pattern consists of a gray-brown ground color with darker patches, forming an effective camouflage against the leaf litter of the forest floor of their habitat.

More facts...

This snake apparently was unknown in Europe until 1863, when the French annexed both Madagascar and Reunion; they, too, bear their share of responsibility for What Happened Next.

Dumerils are hearty eaters, delighting in birds, lizards and small mammals. They also prey on other snakes, the better to prove which is the mightiest of all. It's a good idea to avoid them while they are so involved; they might, you see, decide to tackle the problem of.... you.

Another good time to avoid them is,  predictably, during their mating season. This is when the males put on their best bib and tucker, including (must be blunt here) anal spurs, used so scientists tell us in courtship. I'll take their word for it. The mating season runs from March through May,and the young are born 6-8 months later. Like most with young families, they value their privacy; you know the feeling. But in recent years, they don't get it.

Dumerils are now classified as vulnerable. This means that a population reduction of at least 20% has been observed, estimated, inferred or suspected over the last 10 years or three generations. This threatening development is partly the result of human fear. Coming upon, say, a dumeril  in the kitchen or under the bed does, you should know, spook even the natives, who in such moments think of self-protection rather than conservation. But this is the least significant reason for the dumeril's plight.

Rather, their habitat has been threatened by deforestation and by being captured for export, to become pets for (ordinarily) young men of poor hygiene, too many tattoos and body piercings, and anti-social habits. These (and there is a small army of them) like the frisson of fear their little friends create... and perhaps, too, the silky smoothness of the python's skin as it slithers over them.  Which is perhaps why Ray Moorhouse got his.

In any event, on January 6, 2011 Ray allowed his Significant Other Melissa to take his 3-year-old boa out for an airing. With the nearly 3 foot boa around her neck (boas like the warmth) she got on the MBTA's Red Line...and promptly lost Penelope... to her own consternation and that of a car-full of passengers who thought they'd seen Everything, but were mistaken.

Pandemonium ensued... as the train first paused, then rushed ahead to empty out grumbling, but relieved, passengers. The snake, however,was gone.. Ray Moorhouse, however, wasn't worried. Penelope, he told the world, could squeeze into the smallest of spaces and make do with the odd mouse... or rat, which are common on the MBTA.

And so, confidently, he waited... and waited... certain that Penelope would stay faithful and return. He had, perhaps, Queen Penelope in mind. In Greek mythology Penelope was the wife of Odysseus, king of Ithaca. The very symbol of loyalty, constancy, she kept other suitors at bay for 20 years while her errant husband adventured.  Penelope the snake, the Dumeril, exiled from its native land, proved equally faithful as her namesake. On February 3, a tired, rather thin looking snake emerged... to be greeted by whoops of joy... and flash bulbs, surely the most celebrated dumeril of all.

... and the most expensive.

Within two weeks of Penelope's return, Ray and Melissa Moorhouse were startled to receive a bill from the MBTA for $650 towards the cost of this incident. "T" officials cited, amongst other things, the cost of cleaning and disinfecting the car inhabited by the snake. Concerned customers had contacted officials, as concerned customers will do.

These officials were indeed concerned, not least because the Moorhouses had made it plain they would bring Penelope out for further airings... and perhaps further incidents on the already overburdened MBTA. Predictably the once ecstatic Moorhouses have indicated they may not pay the bill. It figures.

Still, not since 1959 when the Kingston Trio released its hit  "Charlie on the MTA" has there been such a celebrated rider. This is why you should go to any search engine, call up this toe-tapping classic, substituting "Penny" for "Charlie"... and have a ball, as the Kingston Trio might have had:

"Now you citizens of Boston, don't you think it's a scandal, How Penny has to pay and pay? Fight the fare increase, vote for George O'Brien! Keep Penny on the M.T.A."

About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc.,
where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books.
Republished with author's permission by Sylvia Kinzie  

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Hot times in The Hague. The life and turbulent times of Juliana, Queen of the Netherlands.

Some background on the life of  Queen Juliana as Sothebys auction house
prepares for he sale of 1700 items March 2011
by Dr. Lant a collector of Fine Art.

Presented here by Syvia Kinzie

 The music link....
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
A program note from the author. To get the most from this  article, go to any search engine and find the theme of the fourth-movement Sarabande of George Frederick Handel's Keyboard Suite in D minor composed in 1731. It'll help set the mood for what follows... 

I have a confession to make. I was not, until recently, up on the ins and  outs of the last century or so of one of Europe's most enduring monarchies, that of the House of Orange-Nassau, rulers of the Netherlands. I suspect you are not up-to-date on the topic either... and I suspect, therefore, that you'll be as riveted as I am by what I've learned. I kept thinking: if they had been English princes, not Dutch, their larger-than-life existences, founded on the reality of a throne, their astronomical financial resources, royal shenanigans and hijinks, and all the rest -- would have been seized long ago by media producers.

But they are Dutch, hence and oh so wrongly,  thought to be dull. I have learned  otherwise... and now you will too.

My curiosity about Queen Juliana began by receiving one of the regular emails I get from Sothebys, the famous auction house, which  finds me amongst its regular customers. They were having an auction (commencing March 14, 2011) of over 1700 lots of the personal effects of Her Netherlandish Majesty. Since I am a long time participant in such auctions, I dropped everything and went straight for the online catalog. It took several days to go through it all. As usual this auction was an aperture into a life as foreign to me as if the lady had come from Mars.

Daughter of a Queen, Queen Regnant, Mother of a Queen, ex-Queen.

Juliana Louise Emma Maria Wilhelmina was born 30 April 1909 and died 20 March 2004. She was born at the apex of the European royal caste, moving inexorably towards its cataclysmic conclusion, though its princes little suspected most of them were about to perish, with those remaining, dazed, admonished, everything they knew either changed or washed away. Whether before Gotterdammerung or after, Juliana of the Netherlands was always amongst the lucky.

She was born in The Hague, only child of Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands and Duke Henry of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, a German princely state about to face oblivion as a result of the German Kaiser's bombast and miscalculation.

Right from the start, she was already a social reformer... her mother determining that Juliana's education should include other young ladies of suitable family who would be educated along with their future sovereign. Her Royal Highness was 6 years old at the time. Already, without knowing it, she was changing established habits... helping others. She made a lifetime's work of it.

Her good fortune continued with something that didn't happen, namely the Netherlands going to war. Instead they remained neutral in the Great War of 1914-1918.  The Dutch and their princess thereby avoided the destruction and ruination of most of Europe where every major dynasty fell except for the newly named Windsors of England. Juliana was to be seared by the flames of global war... but not yet.

Her luck ran out in 1936 at the Winter Olympics in Bavaria where she met Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld. Here she discovered love... its costs would come later.

Prince Bernhard seemed to solve a problem. Princes of suitable pedigree and religion (for the Dutch were strong adherents to the tenets of their demanding faith) were rare. He had the right heritage... he was willing to perform the always tricky role of prince consort (not the king). Importantly, he was good looking and good company in the jaunty German manner.

What no one knew then was that he was textbook perfect as randy rogue, flagrant adulterer, always dubious where money was concerned, with a yearning for Deutchland uber allies and absolutely no regard at all for his new country... or its crown princess and her impending destiny.

In short, a newspaper publisher's dream for selling papers...

Standing against many of her concerned and wary countrymen, who disliked Bernhard right from the start she married her dashing choice 7 January, 1937 and hardly ever had a happily married moment thereafter. Adolph Hitler (who had, let it be recalled, a puckish sense of humor) sent as his wedding present a strong hint that this marriage was really in the nature of an alliance between his acquisitive Nazis... and the Dutch.

Such was the outraged reaction of the nation that Juliana 's mother Queen Wilhelmina and her government were forced to issue the strongest possible denial, though of course many people still doubted...  and rightly so. Hitler meant to have the Netherlands, its refineries, its far-flung imperial possessions, the Rembrants and Vermeers he coveted... probably he wanted all the tulips, too. He bagged them all, for a time, but he failed to capture the Royal Family. In the person of Princess Juliana, her two daughters (including future Queen Beatrix) and always her egregious consort, she went to Canada, where she lived a life of quiet simplicity and service, thereby gaining the hearts of Canadians, who can be quick to smell pretension. Quite simply, she set out to capture their hearts... and she did. It was a skill worth having.

She would need it in the eventful years to come, years marked by World War II and the Nazi occupation and spoliation; by her succession as Queen in 1948 upon the abdication of her mother and the simultaneous loss of Indonesia and the golden possessions of the East Indies, producing national despair. Juliana coped with all... until she had to cope with her last child Princess Christina (born 1947) born nearly blind and other afflicted because of her mother's German measles contracted during pregnancy. Desperate to help a much loved child, Queen Juliana, as she was now, sought help and consolation in mystic religion. Her people, sympathetic to her plight, were not as sympathetic to the faith healers in whom she sought solace. Her husband, of course, gave her the same attention he always had... none at all. There were serious grumblings against the dynasty. However a lifetime of service, the simplicity of her ways, and rising Dutch prosperity, saved the woman who as queen, liked to have her countrymen call her ("mevrouw", Dutch for "Mrs"). This covered her shady husband, too, from the fall out from one sexual and financial escapade after another. The woman, the queen he constantly wronged, constantly saved him. Such was her meaning of love.

There are echoes of all this in the over 1,700 items from her possessions in the March, 2011 Sothebys sale, the proceeds going to the Red Cross she ardently supported in life. Personally, I intend to pick up a little silver something for myself. It may be from the Queen's great store...or perhaps even from Prince Bernhard's. He had better, more royal tastes, and from his financial chicaneries he was able to indulge them.

About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc.,
where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online.
Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant is also a noted historian and the author of 18 best-selling business books.
Republished with author's permission by Sylvia Kinzie

Check out Auto Profit Sniper

How to live like a sovereign or celebrity. The art of winning at the great international auctions without breaking your budget.

The auction of  royal objects once belonging to the late  
Queen Juliana of the Netherlands brings to any collector 
an opportunity to acquire unique royal pieces. 
Dr Lant, who has an excellent collection of Fine Art, 
outlines here a basic introduction to the skill of  dealing 
with auction houses.

Presented here by Sylvia Kinzie

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

What do you do when you have a) stuff you don't want anymore and when you need b) some extra cash? Why, you have a garage or lawn sale.

Such is also the fate of kings and celebrities.  These folks have an unimaginable abundance of things and often a decided lack of the ready.

Like you, these mortals also die in due course; uninterested heirs take over, and they never liked Grannie the Queen's china pattern; (though it was given by HRH your cousin the Grand Duke). They can also use the money and have been waiting a lifetime to get their white-gloved hands on it.

For such exalted folks, a table laden with old copies of "Mad Magazine" and the mitt your brother will be furious you sold (he never helped, so there) won't do. These exalted ones have their own way of dispossessing and reaping. And the most famous auction houses on earth, starting with Sotheby's (founded 1744) and Christies (founded 1766 ) help them do it...  tastefully, efficiently, with pages of catalog provenance and always above all else, the History that doth hedge the royals (and the film stars, too); no less after their prime and power than during. Thus you, should you wish to possess the very goods and chattels of some of the most famous personages on earth must deal with the auction houses, too. This article ensures you will do so with confidence, efficiency and without a trace or suspicion that you are not either to the manner or the manor born.

Rule 1. Get all the catalogs for sale in your chosen field(s).

One mistake that way too many people make is to start their familiarization program with the grand sales. Error! These sales are too crowded; too much is going on; the staffs are pressed with too much to do and only a short window to do it. Thus to commence your education here is to prove how unready you are to attend such sales at all.

Instead start your crucial education with the auction houses' standard sales in your field. Learn auction art and craft first from the unhyped auctions. Starting here will stand you in good stead.

Note: it should go without saying (but cannot) that you should retain these catalogs for your records; they will take a lot of space, but the information they provide is invaluable.

Rule 2. Make it a point to meet the auction house experts in your field.

These people are all knowledgeable, and constitute a vast treasure of useful information, not least for guidelines on what to pay for a lot and candid (though not always complete) condition reports. Such people, their knowledge, their familiarity with the various lot items is crucial to your success.

Rule 3. Create your own stable of advisors, including conservators and restorers.

While the auction house personnel are usually (but not invariably) excellent and most helpful, you will also need your own experts. Remember, at the end of the day, auction house personnel serve two masters, the auction house itself -- and you. And you know what the Good Book says about that...

... which is why you need to have your own advisors. This will happen by referral...  with the auction houses making the referral, if and only if you request it. Such recommendations are not given spontaneously. Thus you see how incestuous this industry is, with personnel jumping from one camp to the other. That's why in the final analysis the expert you consult most often is Caveat Emptor.

Still other experts will come by referral from the various conservators and experts you consult -- and pay for their work. These people, your crucial specialists will, in my estimation, give you appreciably better advice about the condition of any item and problem(s) you may acquire along with the lot itself. Like the auction houses, these folks should never give you advice and the benefit of their expertise sotto voce.  Request and always get it in writing; e-mail, of course, has expedited this process.

Rule 4. Always be acquiring.

Having a collection means, among other things, never stopping the collection of the rare, the fantastical, the previously unobtainable. It means finding these scarcities, scrutinizing them well -- before you purchase -- and playing the poker of auctions better than the inveterate cognoscenti. What fun!

To collect a piece now and the next 5 or even 10 years later instantly drops you from connoisseur to duffer. People who create collections of note are indefatigable, always having something new to show and something "about to happen," about which mum's the word before the auction... becoming a tale of triumph immediately thereafter.

Rule 5. Set your limit and stick to it, yes, up to and bidding the highly desirable object au revoir.

The grand auctions, the auctions of house-hold names and illustrious dynasties, always cause ingenues and the out-of-control to overbid... and lament. You, however, are a collector, not a bank; this means you must always maintain a sense of good value... and fatal overpayment. This is not always easy to do.

Thus, with the assistance of your team of experts, set the top bid you will make. Then make sure you are either present to bid in person... or on the telephone. Keep your highest bid in front of you and bite your tongue if necessary to stay faithful to your (never sufficient) fund for purchases. Develop a philosophical attitude if you lose... because even this loss is not necessarily forever. The more familiar with your field; the more you see many objects auctioned... are re-auctioned later.

Start today

The catalogs are now available online and in paper for the next grand sale, items from the estate of the late Queen Juliana of the Netherlands. (Died 30 April, 1980). March 14-17, 2011 are the sale dates.

Her royal daughters are auctioning over 1,700 items, the proceeds to go to the Red Cross. While this is not as grand a sale as those recently held by other princes (Queen Juliana, as is well known, had simple tastes); still a royal sale is a royal sale, and there are some things which every royal collector will crave. I know. I'm one... and perhaps I shall see you there, implementing the very recommendations I have just given... you! Bonne chance!

About The Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc.,
where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online.  Dr. Lant is an avid art collector, and author of 18 best-selling business books.
Republished with author's permission by Sylvia Kinzie

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Sunday, March 6, 2011

A newt, not a whale. The man who will never be king. Newton Leroy Gingrich, the first (almost) official GOP presidential candidate for 2012.

Well and so it begins again, top spot looks like it will open up, and  Dr. Lant gives us a portrait in words of one of the hopefuls.  Grim.
presented here by Sylvia Kinzie

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
To love yourself is the beginning of a life-long romance.    -- Oscar Wilde, from the play "An Ideal Husband." (1895)

Your name is Newt Gingrich, and you have the worst possible case of Potomac Fever.  It's a well known  malady which causes most every elected official who comes to Washington, D.C.  to wake up of a morning and see not himself "Senator X" or "Representative Y") in the mirror, but...."Ladies and Gentlemen, The President of the United States..."

There is no known cure for this pestilential fever which causes distress in two ways: it afflicts the person who has it and it also afflicts all who watch him groping with its itchy manifestations. In this way, as we citizens of the great Republic know so well, it afflicts us all, citizens arguably the worst.

And now Newton Leroy Gingrich is demanding that we help him overcome his unendurable plight by making him what in his mind's eye he was born to be....

... Hint, Hint, More Hints..

For weeks now, Newt Gingrich has been doing what victims of Potomac Fever find themselves doing: he has been dropping hints as subtle as an attack of diarrhea in an elevator that he is certainly thinking of... is giving serious consideration to... means to announce soon that....

The most recent of these entirely unsubtle allusions was carried (far in the inside of the paper and down at the bottom of the page) March 4, 2011. Here, as if for the first time, he told the world he and his wife are looking at a presidential bid and will methodically and carefully lay out the ground work... which is another way of saying he's already bought the cut-away he  plans to wear as he takes the oath of office.

The fact that Newt Gingrich is without a single supporter (unless he is married or otherwise related to them)... that he is a washed-up has been with more baggage than Greyhound.... that he has already scandalized the nation one time after another... all this is irrelevant.

What we citizens see so well, the ludicrous impossibility of Newt, concerns him not at all. He is a walkin', talkin', sure he is loved by America guy... with the plan for his presidential library in his pocket. (Would you like to make your fully tax deductible contribution, entitling you to sit in a bona fide replica of the president's chair from the Oval Office?)

But Newt has seen the corridors of power; indeed, he was once, when (58th) Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives (1995-1999) a Power in the Land... Time Magazine's Person of the Year for 1995... a man who changed the political face of the nation by masterminding the first Republican majority in that House in 40 years.

It was real... it was  heady... it was short lived. Indeed,  the reasons for Newt's abbreviated tenure in real power are the reasons he will never be president in 2012, or ever, though his malignant case of Potomac Fever precludes him seeing the situation as it is.

Item: In the House Banking scandal, where so many congressmen wrote rubber checks on government money, Newt bounced with the best of them, 22 times, including a tax payment to the IRS.

Item: He made a very lucrative book deal with Harper Collins publisher. This company was owned by media mogul Rupert Murdoch, a man who needed favors from those in high places and had the wherewithal to get them. Just a week after Newt was offered his $4.5 million deal, he started helping Murdoch and his empire out of some tight regulatory issues. Quid pro quo? Certainly not asserted Newt... but his ever-changing explanation only made more people more seriously scrutinize... and doubt. In due course so many of his House colleagues had doubts about the egregious Newt that they got rid of the man who had, more than anyone, given them their majority. That said everything.

There were, too, the issues with women. He likes 'em... as 3 wives, and lots of "dates" can affirm. The tabloids will have a field day... whenever they need to sell more papers... which means every day. To be sure, the nation is accustomed now to presidents with out-of-control egos and libidos (quick, can you say  'Jack Kennnedy'?) But Newt's (real) amatory adventures give (fictional) Don Giovanni's a run for the money. As a result you can rest assured that during a Gingrich Administration you won't hear Leporello's jaunty aria in concert at the White House. Here's how it opens.

My dear lady, this is a list Of the beauties my master has loved, A list which I have compiled. Observe, read along with me.In Italy, six hundred and forty; In Germany, two hundred and thirty-one; A hundred in France; in Turkey, ninety-one; In Spain already one thousand and three. Among these are peasant girls, Maidservants, city girls, Countesses, baronesses, Marchionesses, princesses, Women of every rank, Every shape, every age.

Sadly, Gingrich's amours feel towards him as Don Giovanni's felt towards that maestro.Said ex-wife Marianne, "I don't want him to be president and I don't think he should be." Other published comments are less, well, restrained.

He who cannot forget is forced to remember.

More than any other presidential candidate, Gingrich is about the past. An historical figure who changed the political dynamic of the greatest country on each, whatever legitimacy he has as a candidate stems from the things he did while U.S. House Speaker. It provides him with the limited credibility he has... while providing his (legion of) detractors with an endless supply of booby traps and mud pies. Gingrich, a trained historian and the author of many histories (amongst his 23 books) must know this. But Potomac Fever precludes his seeing the matter clearly, thoroughly, without sentiment, desire, emotion. That is completely beyond those afflicted.

Newt cannot forget that he was, really and truly, just two heartbeats away from being President of the United States. He cannot forget the dozens of politicians whose careers he launched. They owe him. He cannot forget he helped deliver a balanced federal budget, for the fist time since 1969. He cannot forget....

... but you get the picture. He is a Proustian man of times gone forever, the Michael J. Fox of candidates, looking back to the future. He hasn't a prayer (whether from his Baptist past or Roman Catholic present). We know it. He doesn't. Which is why we in America love watching our national blood sport, politics, so very much.

About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc
., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books
Republished with author's permission by Sylvia Kinzie

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