Luke 20:9-16 (from "the Word")

9....A certain man planted a vineyard, and let it forth to husbandmen, and went into a far country for a long time. 10 And at the season he sent a servant to the husbandmen, that they should give him of the fruit of the vineyard: but the husbandmen beat him, and sent him away empty. 11 And again he sent another servant: and they beat him also, and entreated him shamefully, and sent him away empty. 12 And again he sent a third: and they wounded him also, and cast him out. 13 Then said the lord of the vineyard, What shall I do? I will send my beloved son: it may be they will reverence him when they see him. 14 But when the husbandmen saw him, they reasoned among themselves, saying, This is the heir: come, let us kill him, that the inheritance may be ours. 15 So they cast him out of the vineyard, and killed him. What therefore shall the lord of the vineyard do unto them? 16 He shall come and destroy these husbandmen, and shall give the vineyard to others. Luke 20:9-16 (from "the Word")

Friday, March 4, 2011

Snyder v Phelps. Why the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the right to 'hate speech' and why we must, repulsed, be glad for it.

Today Dr Lant sheds light on a sad series of events.
presented by Sylvia Kinzie

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

We are in these United States, so it has often been said, a government of laws and not of men. It is important while reading this article, written to elucidate, not inflame, to remember this...  for in considering the facts of this case, the actions taken, how and when performed and the people involved and what they did, it will be so very easy to let emotion take over and to find these laws sunk by altercation, the bitterest of language, the crudest of sentiments, the full panoply of ample human hate.

Oh, yes, we need to remember now, that we are a government of laws...

Consider the facts... for they are not in dispute.

Pastor Fred Phelps is the founder of a tiny independent Kansas congregation of the Baptist persuasion. Its congregants are mostly members of the extended Phelps family. These people, fervid in their belief that they are rendering the pure distillation of God's will; (essential to all prophets and others engaging in heinous deeds abhorred by others) live in a frenzied Old Testament environment, outraged citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah who have been called upon -- personally, by God Himself -- to purge the people of their sins. You must believe in their profound sincerity, for it legitimizes -- in their eyes -- every abhorrent act.

Theirs is a world reeking of sin, of unholy deeds, of God traduced and His Commandments flouted and always of sexual perversions luridly rendered. These people do not imagine these acts, they see them...  and the Great Jehovah calls upon them to act, to act now, to save the sinning people. Pastor Phelps roils the people with the Word of God... the better to ensure they never forget, and that they act -- and act Now -- with every sinew of their God-serving being.

Hearing of the Supreme's Court ruling in favor of the church, member Margie Phelps said, "We are trying to warn you to flee the wrath of God, flee the wrath of destruction. What would be more kind than that? I do very much appreciate that I get to be the mouth of God in this matter. We have not slowed down and we will not." Here is just some of what God has called on them to do...

Item: In 1998, church members picketed the funeral of Matthew Shepard, a gay student at the University of Wyoming, who was butchered in a hate crime that outraged the nation. Church members made it clear to grieving members of Shepard's family, that he Got What He Deserved.

Item: From 2005 church members began showing up and protesting at the funerals of America's fallen soldiers. Dressed in death masks and skeletal regalia their signs read "Thank God for dead soldiers," "Pray for more dead soldiers," and placards showing a soldier's face in the cross hairs of a rifle with the message "God's view."

Congregants protested, too, at the 2011 funeral of Elizabeth Edwards, estranged wife of former U.S. Senator John Edwards and threatened to do the same at the recent funerals of the Tucson murder victims, including the littlest victim of all, Christina Green. They were bribed not to outrage a city's grief, and took time on national media instead. It was outrageous, disturbing, but it worked for the church members. It kept America's eye directly on their agenda, and they knew this is what God wanted.

Why, America wondered, were already grieving family members, allowed to be subjected to these outrages". Why did no one act? At last someone did...

Albert Snyder endured the hardest thing any parent could face, the death of his 20 year-old son Marine Lance Corporal Matthew, killed in a Humvee accident in Iraq. But the congregants of the Westboro Baptist Church, doing God's work, made certain to outrage the reverence of the family, their private grief, and need for quiet thought and reflection. Ordained by God, they turned the attention on themselves and on their mission, away from one of America's heroes,  gone too soon, the lad who had served the nation... and died for us.

A father's profound lamentation... was changed to outrage... and the law.  And in due course, the Honorable the Justices of the Supreme Court gathered to do the task for which they were appointed: to prove again that we are still in the Great Republic, a government of laws, and not of men. As such, to the anger of many good citizens of the republic, they ruled 8-1 in favor of... the outrageous church, the appalling church, the church that affronts every notion of what is right and proper and what is owing to our dearest dead and departed... and the justices, in so ruling, were right, 100 percent right, and a credit to the hallowed traditions of the nation.

This is a nation ruled by an idea: an idea that the people have the right to protest; that this right is the very essence of the nation and that it is essential to preserve, not limit it. The discussion hinged therefore on whether the actions and sentiments of the church members were a public or private matter. The court was clear:  they concerned a matter of high public interest... and were therefore protected, no matter how despicable we found the church, its members, their actions... and we find them all despicable indeed.

In his opinion for the majority, Chief Justice John Roberts particularly noted that the ruling was narrow and limited to the specific facts of the Snyder case. He noted that in some situations, the location of protests can be regulated, such as requiring buffer zones between protesters and an abortion clinic.

In this case, Roberts concluded, protestors "had the right to be where they were."

Mr. Justice Alito's dissent.

One justice, Samuel Alito, dissented from the majority's opinion; press reports made it seem like he disagreed with the majority's conclusions. In fact, he refined that majority opinion. As a result there is hope for future victims of Westboro Church's God-driven outrages.

Alito made clear that should this church, or any such organization, misjudge and misapply the court's findings, victims of "vicious verbal assault" and injury retained the right to substantial damages.  Church members, and you Pastor Phelps, should have a care.

But will you?

Even now you and your members, always available for God's work, flush with victory and self-congratulation, are planning new outrages,  confident of God's strong arm and the nation's law. Have a care indeed, for one day, may it come soon, you will go too far and reap what you have sown... and what will your vengeful Jehovah do for you then, you who have caused so much pain to so many, who did nothing to deserve it?

About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., wh
ere small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books.
Republished with author's permission by Sylvia Kinzie

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Thursday, March 3, 2011

An appreciation for the life of the Reverend Peter Gomes, Plummer Professor of Christian Morals and Pusey Minister at Memorial Church, Harvard University, dead at 68, the most affable man.

 Dr. Lant gives us an inside look at the life of a quiet hero.
 presented here by Sylvia Kinzie

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

My Cambridge, Massachusetts neighborhood,  where the soaring steeple of Harvard's Memorial Church is so prominent, reminding us of the eternity to come, is today in mourning for a man of God, of grace, and an affability so distinctive it was his own special concoction, enjoyed by all.  The Reverend Peter Gomes is dead at 68, February 28, 2011. Our world is a duller, less amiable place, his crucial support of pluralism, acceptance, and love bereft of a paladin.

A journey so improbable it had to be real.

Peter Gomes, born May 22, 1942,  started his journey in Plymouth, Massachusetts, the very place the Puritans arrived to colonize a great nation and control (so they thought) its destiny. Peter Gomes must have found that quaint notion piquant, and he would, in due course, inject an irony into the tale that must have pleased him, for he was mischievous to a degree.

For you see, Gomes had none of the blue blood and Mayflower pretensions about him. He was well and truly the descendant of the Fulani, Tikar, and Hausa peoples of West Africa. He had DNA test results to prove it. More recently, through his father, he was descended from Portuguese Jews and the Cape Verde Islands. Gomes' idiosyncratic journey began, therefore, at conception.

As a result, he had virtually everything about him that would irritate the shredding remnants of the lordly fathers of the Commonwealth,  who claimed primacy hereabouts, especially at their own educational bastion, Harvard. The first time I ever heard Gomes' name was when one of these notables, with a name of high renown, called him an "Oreo", a black man pretending to be white. It was a notable slur, and it was Peter Gomes' reality. You little know the man or his achievements, unless you understand this.

Set against the immensity of the task before him he had one over arching benefit: he was the most affable of men. All his life he had this at his command, and he rose on this from the very first, perfecting his skills as he learned how invaluable, how necessary they were.

Right from the start this affability was present. In white Plymouth,  the only black boy in the class, he was regularly elected to school office, including president (in 1961) of his Plymouth High School graduating class. People of whatever persuasion and temperament liked Peter; it was almost impossible not to. And he reciprocated by liking them.  It was his personal benediction, and it lightened the burdens for many who needed it. He was an alchemist who could diminish hatred and transform it into good will. It was a very special gift indeed and, as he understood it, he perfected and used it.

A graduate of Bates College (1965), Gomes  disappointed his father profoundly by telling this practical business man he wanted a religious career. Disgruntled, his father said, "I had hoped my son would do honest work." Admitted to Harvard Divinity School (from which he graduated in 1968), he spent the rest of his life showing his father that he had.

For 2 years, 1968-1970, his Harvard bachelor's degree of sacred theology in hand, he ventured into entirely alien territory, teaching at Tuskegee Institute in Alabama. "I saw more black people in my first half hour at Tuskegee than I had ever seen in my whole life," he told The New Yorker magazine.  He wanted to come home... to Cambridge... to Harvard. It is a feeling, a yearning that so many hereabouts have felt.

Back in Cambridge, he rose, never inevitably, always steadily, leading within just 4 years Harvard's church. It had need of his talents. A gifted preacher and writer, he was celebrated for his wit, abundant conversational talents, and an essential skill of delivering important messages in a style calculated to gain maximum adherence, while avoiding offence.

He had now the good life, a lifetime position, one of the fine properties of the university (Sparks House) where he served tea and guidance to generations of undergraduates. He was the author of 10 volumes of highly readable sermons and best-selling books, "The Good Book: Reading the Bible with mind and heart," (1998) and "The Good Life: Truths that Last in Times of Need. (2003) .And so it might have gone on, a good vicar for a flock that needed him and valued him.

But in 1991, a group of intolerant undergraduates, secure in their corrosive hatred, published a violent attack on gay people at Harvard, a place so progressive it had almost forgotten such insufferance even existed.

The Reverend Peter Gomes, happy amidst his congregants and loved by a great institution, could have winked, seeing nothing, doing nothing. But he was ready to draw upon his mother's early admonition: "You must invent your own reality," he remembered her saying, "Reality will not conform to you. You must invent your own and then conform to it."

And so he did, eschewing comfort for veritas and transformation.

He stood on the steps of his church, Maritn Luther like, in his finest moment: "I am a Christian," he said, "who happens as well to be gay... Those realities, which are unreconcilable to some, are reconciled in me by a loving God." Such intolerance was not the way of Harvard... of America... or of God Himself.

Because of who he was, the office he held, and his renown at Harvard, this was another shot heard round the world. However, it came at a terrible price. He made it known, too, that he would embrace chastity for life, like the Mahatma Gandhi. Perhaps it was, in a way, easier for him this way. But it cut him off, this most lovable of men, from an essential intimacy and empathy of life that even God could not replace. It was Gomes' gift, however, to give,  and he gave it fully towards the cause of pluralism, acceptance, and harmony for all.

Now Peter Gomes is gone from us. But God had need, too, of Peter's gifts, erudition, kindness, sympathy, endless curiosity, acceptance, and enough affability for the eternity which God endures. We shall miss him here, at Harvard,in Cambridge, but he and his abundant gifts have gone to One who can appreciate and finally liberate him from every shackle. Thus, while grieving, we rejoice.

About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc.,

where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online.
Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors
to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books.
Republished with author's permission by Sylvia Kinzie 

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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The red, red robin came bob bob bobbin' along, March 1.

Ahh! Spring. And soon the Daffodils, fresh grass and warm sun!  Dr. Lant reflects on the Robin, harbinger of Spring.
Pesented here by Sylvia Kinzie

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Author's note. To get the most from this article, add the right music. Of course, it must be "When the red, red robin comes bob bob bobbin' along." Written by Harry Woods, it was sung in his inimitable way by Al Jolson in the 1926 musical "Don't forget the doughnuts." Use any search engine to find it along with a host of other renditions... all peppy, upbeat, quintessentially American.

This morning... just moments ago... the world smiled and became a better place....

All of a sudden, I heard my name being called and an excited little fella, full of his news and lookin' good, flew onto a branch right in front of me. He said, and he jumped up and down as he said it, "I'm back! I'm back! And  I know you're glad to see me!"

I know that's what he was saying, and he was so energetic, so happy, so ecstatic that I couldn't help reciprocating.  I smiled. I grinned. I laughed aloud.

This was the sure-fire harbinger of spring, and he was letting me know, personally and in no uncertain terms. that he had returned from his winter sojourn... and wasn't I glad?

Then he sang me just a bit of his trilling tune, just to let me know he hadn't forgotten how much I like it... and then, with a bow and native civility, suitably spruce for his high business, he flew on, knowing I would understand that he had many more stops to make; where so many people would, in their turn, look up, smile, and be cheered, to go inside and spread the joy. The red, red robin was home, and not a minute too soon.

The world's most popular bird? A distinct possibility.

The American Robin also called the North American Robin (turdus migratorius) is a migratory songbird of the thrush family. It is named after the European Robin because of its reddish-orange breast, though the two species are not closely related, with the European robin belonging to the flycatcher family.

The American Robin is widely distributed throughout North America, wintering south of Canada from Florida to central Mexico and along the Pacific Coast. Three states think so well of this bird and its cheering song -- Connecticut, Michigan, and Wisconsin -- that they have made it their official bird. It has seven subspecies, but only T.m. confinis, in the southwest, is distinctive, with pale gray-brown underparts.

Some habits

What child, or adult, too, in the robin's territory has not seen this completely characteristic sight: our tenacious friend, legs firmly planted, tugging, lugging, pulling worms from the ground? Humans like this purposeful sight; it reminds us robins are just like us: industrious, focused, glad to be up and at their work. Yes, we like that.

The American Robin is active mostly during the day and assembles in large flocks at night. Its diet consists of invertebrates (such as beetle grubs and caterpillars), fruits and berries.

It is one of the earliest bird species to lay eggs, beginning to breed shortly after returning to its summer range from its winter range. Its nest is so well constructed that with necessary refurbishing it lasts for years. Robins know just so how to use long coarse grass, twigs, paper and feathers, all smeared with mud, to give them the look and feel they desire. It is a seasonal delight for us, and perhaps for the robins too, to see them at this work. It gives both satisfaction.


Sadly, robins are not immune from troublesome predators, who see in the well-fed and always well groomed robin, a movable feast, tasty for hawks, squirrels, cats, and larger snakes. When feeding in flocks, robins have developed vigilance and a team approach to danger, which stands them in good stead. The benefits of community work for them... as for us.

A word on robin vocalization

It is the male robins who grab the spot light with their complex and almost continuous sound. This song is called cheerily carol, made up of discrete units, often repeated, and spliced together into a string with brief pauses in between. Robins in different areas have developed regional variations and different delivery times. Artists, they do not like to copy, but enjoy their unique approach to the serious business of song. They sing what they like and render it with style.

Robins in human songs and poems

It seems we humans early became infatuated with robins, who delight in cocking their heads at us, bold, curious, sympathetic to our plight, though we did, for a time, eat them. But they have forgiven us for that lapse in judgement.

Robins feature in literature since at least the 15th century and have attracted notable singers and poets to expound upon their virtues and take off on extended flights of fancy.

The best known of the several songs featuring robins is "When the red, red robin comes bob bob bobbin' along." It was the perfect vehicle for the not-quite-yet famous Al Jolson, and he belted it out of the theatre into musical history. Bobby Day in 1958 gave us an entirely different sound in "Rockin' Robin"; the robins were pleased. They delight in their diverse approaches and are sorry Day is hardly remembered today, though his lively tune is.

Poets, too, write frequently about robins, but not always so upbeat as in song.

William Allingham (1824-1889) is maudlin.

""Robin, Robin Redbreast, O Robin dear! And a crumb of bread for Robin, His little heart to cheer."

Robins tell me the pathetic imagery is not to their liking.

They are baffled by Emily Dickinson's poem "I dreaded that first Robin, so." (Her dates 1830-1886).

"I dreaded that first Robin so, But He is mastered now, I'm accustomed to Him grown, He hurts a little, though ---"

However, they have accepted the human explanation that no one really understands her poetry. And so the matter rests.

One poet, however, and one poem every robin knows, and wishes you to know. It is this resounding truth from William Blake's (1757-1827) "Auguries of Innocence."

"A Robin Red breast  in a Cage Puts all Heaven in a Rage."

However, let's end as we began, with Jolson. He matches the soaring optimism of the robins themselves, all great American voices:

"They'll be no more sobbin' when He starts throbbin' his old, sweet song."

And I believe that's true. 

About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc.,
where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Sylvia Kinzie

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Interactivity is the key to blog success. Here's the exact language to use to get it. Yes, exact.

 Dr. Lant is devoted to his group at Worldprofit. This is a free article provided for us for the betterment of our online experience. I have chosen this article from the 146 articles ready for our use as my own Blogging skills are just developing. Thank you Dr. Lant.
Presented by Sylvia Kinzie

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Hear ye, hear ye! Blogs are the hottest thing on the 'net. You know it... and you've done the necessary to set yours up and publish, right? Out it goes... then... nothing. Not a peep from any reader. That's bad, real bad.

That's why  I'm here -- to help you achieve maximum blog success.

As you're reading along with this article, think Cole Porter's peppy little number, "Friendship" (from "Was a lady," 1939) because that's what this article is, a friend helping a friend achieve maximum success online, this time with your blog.

Interactivity is the key.

Blogs work when they're interactive, that is when you get  your audience/readers to respond. And why do you want them to respond? Because blog readers who respond are the very best customer prospects there are, that's why. Moreover if you're smart, you want to monetize your blog just as quickly as possible, right from the get-go... so that every time you publish your blog your readers, your prospects -- with their money -- respond.

Here's how to make this happen day after golden day.

Announce your objective, so that people know that your blog is interactive... and you expect them to respond.

"Readers! You've arrived at the most interactive blog online... where we are in constant touch with our readers... and readers are encouraged, indeed expected, to respond. We like hearing from you!"

Make this goal pellucidly clear to your readers. And keep this exact language in all blog posts. It's your welcome mat for the world.

Words that get people to respond to your lead article.

"Folks, I'm delighted, pleased, ecstatic to bring you this article (add title here).  It's written by an expert (add name here)  who knows what she's  talking about. After you've read this piece, email me at once at (email address). Tell us what you think! We genuinely want to know!"

Put like this, such a plea is irresistible. Expect responses fast, always remembering that each response represents either the beginning of an ongoing relationship with that respondent...or the strengthening of an existing relationship. In short, it is the raw matter for success and nothing but success.

Ask your readers to respond to individual articles, not just the entire blog.

Remember, not only must your blog be perceived as interactive; each portion of the blog must be so configured. In other words, you want each and every article and/or blog section to generate leads. Here's how to do it.

"Friend, this article by (name of writer) is absolutely terrific, isn't it? The writing is incredible... the content superb. What's more , I can tell you how to get content of this amazing quality on your blog free. Email me your name, email address, and phone for the details. Yes, I mean FREE!"

Offer a freebie in every issue.

One particularly popular freebie, which I've used for years, is to write and make available a Free Report to your readers on a subject of interest to them, a subject like this:

"Boy, oh boy, have I ever got the terrific freebie for you today, you lucky blog readers, you. This report, absolutely free, is titled 'Just what you need to know and do to get (whatever benefit you sell)'. This special report is packed, just packed, with superb, hard-to-find details , and I'm lucky to be able to GIVE it to you. Email me now at (your email address) with your name, email address and phone number or just call me now at (your telephone number.) P.S. Be sure to tell me what you think after you've read it!"

Or, try this freebie. It's worked for me for years, and it's a pip of an example and model for you.

"Incredible, but true. Due to a special arrangement with some hot-shot traffic gurus, I'm able to give out 1,000,000 guaranteed visitors today, that is 50,000 each to the FIRST TWENTY READERS who respond today. Be one of them. Email me now at (email address) along with your name, address, and phone number or just pick up the phone and call me now. DON'T WAIT. This special offer can't last!"

Ask for comments. Use the comments.

Remember, your objective is to solicit and then receive comments from every reader. First, savour them; you have earned a little self-congratulation, because with each blog post and every reader response thereto, you are distancing yourself from the also-rans of blog publishers and firmly establishing yourself as a Smart Cookie. Now, press your advantage.

When responses arrive, be sure to publish them in  your blog, good, bad, or indifferent. Of course, you want every response to be positive. These are the most welcome and easy-to-use blog posts. Publish them at once... and use them to generate more responses. You want your readers to see and be clear on the fact that yours is one of the most exciting, worthwhile blogs in the land. Make it a point to publicize every positive response you get:

"Wow! Here's a great response from (name of reader responding). We sure do appreciate these responses, not just because they're complimentary (but what's wrong with that anyway?) But because they make it clear how you feel... and what  you like about what we're doing. That's Very  Important indeed! Always  include your name, address, phone, and email address."

What if the response is carping, critical, vituperative?

The world does not live on a diet of milk and honey. Gall and wormwood do make themselves known. Your job is to use negative comments to impress your readers and even turn your carping critic into a lap dog. Take a  look at how this magic occurs.

"Tom Jones from Pocatello, Idaho isn't too happy today. He has emailed this message: 'Folks, that last article you published on (name of article) was just plain wrong about a couple of points. Here's the low-down..."

All publishers, blog or otherwise, are inured to getting responses like this. The key is turning the criticism into gold, building a relationship with the (momentarily) irked or critical respondent.

"Tom, your points are sooooo well taken. Thanks for making them; we've glad to let our readers have  your point of view and hope to hear more from you. In the meantime, please accept a free copy of our newest report (title here)."

In short, turn lemons into lemonade and emerge wiser and better regarded than before.

Last words... there are no last words.

Blogging, as tried and true bloggers know, NEVER ends. Each issue, each part of each issue, constitutes a potential link to the future. Each thing, every section and each word, is a hook; grabbing, then pulling in your expectant audience, thereby generating leads, comments for future issues... and (how sweet it is) MONEY.

Blogs are the most personal of media. Run with that concept, and make your blog a place of constant interactivity and the satisfaction and profit that ensue to you as a result. Your readers will be happy, recognizing and applauding you, while you laugh all the way to the bank! How nice!
Republished with author's permission by Sylvia Kinzie

About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc.,
where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online.

Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant is a well known marketer, consultant and the author of 18 best-selling business books.

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Monday, February 28, 2011

Restoration yearnings in royal Camelot. Advice for the white hope of the dynasty, Joseph P. Kennedy III.

 Is this a "catch 22"? If this young man, Joe III,  says he doesn't want to step up to the plate maybe he is the one who is most qualified to do so.
Etymology from
Anu Garg's Wordsmith Words:


From Catch-22, a novel by Joseph Heller

In this World War II novel, an air force regulation states that a man is to be considered insane if he is willing to continue to fly dangerous missions. To be relieved of such duties all he has to do is ask. But one who makes such a rational request shows that he is, in fact, sane. Here is an extract from the novel.
Doc Daneeka said, "He (Orr) has to be crazy to keep flying combat missions after all the close calls he's had. Sure I can ground Orr. But first he has to ask me to." "That's all he has to do to be grounded?" "That's all. Let him ask me." "And then you can ground him?" Yossarian asked. "No, then I can't ground him." "You mean there's a catch?" "Sure there is a catch," Doc Daneeka replied. "Catch-22. Anyone who wants to get out of combat duty isn't really crazy."

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

It has happened to the Braganzas of Portugal, the Hohenzollerns of Germany, the Bourbons of France, the Hapsburgs of Austria... royal and imperial families which, for whatever reason, find themselves throneless princes. These are the saddest people of all, for they know so very well their metier -- to rule --  but must stand by and watch others,  lesser beings, fill their roles -- always inadequately.

Such people, bearers all of the most illustrious names on earth, are surrounded by aging courtiers (the intransigent who want total restoration and nothing less) and by schemers of every kind; the people who see in you... in your high destiny.... an elevator to place and prominence.

You try to live your own life, to carve out a career far from the corridors of  power... but your name is magic... and legions of people you do not know and will never meet are ready to cheer you on. And they have lavish expectations for you to fulfill.

You are Joseph P. Kennedy III, the white hope of the dynasty and the best hope for ending the frustrating, unaccountable interregnum and ensuring the inevitable restoration.

It was just the other day (January 3, 2011), when the 111th Congress of the United States concluded that something odd,  unsettling took place: the last Kennedy holding federal office -- U.S. Representative Patrick, son of Senator Edward M. Kennedy -- ended his elected career; for the first time in 63 years there would be no member of the dynasty in federal office.

You are Citizen Joe Kennedy, and you are expected to change that and put the family back in power, bathed in limelight and consequence again.

The genealogy.

Joseph III, born October 4, 1980, is the son of former U.S. Representative Joseph II and his first wife Sheila Rauch. He has a twin brother, Matthew.

He was raised in Marshfield, Brighton, and Cambridge, Massachusetts. A graduate of Stanford University and Harvard Law School, he is a former Peace Corps volunteer, now 18 months into his first job as a lawyer, an assistant district attorney on Cape Cod, Massachusetts.  For anyone else it would be an unlikely launching pad to power... but you forget: he has the name, the look, the aura of the Kennedys... and he is surrounded by people who in candid ways and subtle tell him that he is The One, The Chosen One, the white hope of an impatient dynasty, exasperated by interregnum.

To see whether this is true (or merely more wishful thinking), the family is beginning to showcase their prince. They have a need, the old adage is true: "out of sight, out of mind"... and, at 30, Joseph III is already behind whilst the relentless clock is ticking.

John F. Kennedy was 29 when he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives; Uncle Teddy 30 when he was elected to the U.S. Senate. Such facts, and such comparisons, are at the fingertips of every Kennedy friend --and foe. And all aspiring to the throne know them, too...  as they know that, unlike the great brothers, candidates of this generation lack the cold cash and insistent pushing of the first Joseph P. Kennedy, the legendary patriarch who never merely wished.

Anxious courtiers in need of a candidate grumble and behind closed doors ask whether Something Is Wrong. They have been disappointed before, and, plus royaliste que le roi, their futures are at risk. They are concerned...

There was the undoubted Crown Prince, John F. Kennedy, Jr. Dead too soon at 38  (July 16, 1999), his own arrogance and carelessness were contributing factors. His sister Caroline dead, too, politically after an embarrassing 2008 foray into New York politics. After that the dynasts clucked that the time for a Kennedy woman to lead was not at hand and this was proof.

Then there was the prospect of Joe III's cousin Patrick, of Rhode Island. But he couldn't cut the mustard and was too often in the news for all the Wrong Reasons, drugs, alcohol, mayhem; not the stuff of future rulers.

Then there was his own father, Joseph II. We have yet to hear what Joe III has to say about how his father mistreated his mother, Sheila; demanding (and getting) an annulment of their marriage, despite their children. It was what insistent Kennedys get when they Want Something. His mother's book  "Shattered Faith" (published 1997 ) with all the sordid details didn't help. Joe II doggedly (and publicly) pursued the matter right to the Vatican, but it cost him a run at the Massachusetts governorship. Daddio Joe II, then, had too much baggage...

Which leaves you, tall, red-haired, a decided resemblance to your grandfather, Robert and, too, to tv personality Conan O'Brien... 

Like an heirloom of the greatest value, you were asked last year whether you would run for the seat in the U.S. House of Representatives then held by retiring family friend William Delahunt. You declined and the seat is now held by first-termer John F. Tierney. No worry. Kennedys have always found ways to create openings for themselves when necessary. It's Tierney who should be looking over his shoulder...

Meanwhile often self-designated "friends of the Kennedy family" (of whom former Massachusetts Democratic chairman Philip W. Johnston is the most egregious), pipe up whether requested or not with the usual puffery. "What's not to like? He's like Jack," says Johnston. Massachusetts State Senate President Therese Murray called remarks Joe III made upon the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his great-uncle John's "City on a Hill" speech "another historic speech." It wasn't, of course; no where near, but hungry courtiers, tired of waiting for a restoration which may never come, cannot restrain themselves. They see portents everywhere, rather like the faithful who see the profile of Jesus in a half eaten devil dog, to be promptly offered on E-bay.

But what of you Citizen Joe? Do you dream of the Oval  Office, of your own elegant Jackie and Camelot, of setting the nation's agenda and transforming the planet? You are not, I think, being coy when you say the door is open.. but not yet. Rather, I think you truly don't know, have not decided. That is no surprise for the weight of expectations on the one dubbed the Heir of the Kennedys are astronomical, unimaginable by the average citizen.

Asked how he will know if it's time to run Joe III told the Boston Globe (published February 20, 2011): "You just know, when the issues are ones you want to get involved in, and you feel you could contribute to the debate and the direction of the country, right? If you don't have that passion, you should hold off."  And there we must leave this story... for now.

About The Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc.,
where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is a well known marketer and historian, he has 18 best-selling business books.
Republished with author's permission by Sylvia Kinzie
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Top 25 Search Engine Optimization Companies

 Always vigilant the team at Worldprofit watches for the newest tools for their team. Up to date as always Sandi Hunter helps us understand SEO. Thanks Sandi!
Sylvia Kinzie 
(member Worldprofit)

By Sandi Hunter

The Internet is filled with so-called marketing experts and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) agencies. It's a speeding train in a changing marketplace. Some agencies have kept up to the times by integrating social media strategies, others haven't.

The SEO world has evolved rapidly in recent years with social media quickly gaining a much stronger foothold than most experts originally thought. Social media was once believed to be a waste of time by many, SEO experts now realize the power of social media to reach new markets and generate new revenue opportunities. Paid search and mobile applications cannot be ignored and have changed the SEO landscape.  It's a relatively new field of expertise constantly in flux. As experts learn more clever ways to improve site ranking, the major search engines react by updating their indexing procedures. Just recently Google announced major changes to how they index sites in direct response to what they call content-farms that create skewed search results.

Here is a compiled a list of 25 Search Engine Optimization Agencies who will create and manage your SEO campaigns.

Spend some time at these sites, you will learn a lot and can make a comparative analysis.


SEO is not a task for the faint of heart. It takes time, money and a lot of patience to build a successful SEO campaign. Large companies hire staff just to create online content for social media sites.

For those of you without deep pockets, there are a number of do-it yourself software programs many of which are used by professional SEO companies. If you have the desire and time to learn, you can create and manage your own SEO campaigns.  Training companies like Worldprofit Inc., offer software, guided instruction with live and video training on SEO and other online business strategies. With access to the best resources, you can get really good at it for your business purposes, then offer these services as a consultant.  SEO experts and Social Media Content Managers are and will continue to be a highly paid profession.

About the Author:
Sandi Hunter is the Director of Website Development at Worldprofit Inc.
, where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. The company offers a free Associate membership.

Republished with author's permission by Sylvia Kinzie
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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mahatma Gandhi Documentary part 1

An Appreciation for the life of Dr. Christian Lambertsen, dead at 93, the man who opened the undersea realm to all the world with scuba.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Author's note. Before commencing this article, set the mood. Go to any search engine and look for the theme song for the Sea Hunt television series.  It's just the right tune to put you in the mood for high adventure on the waves... and under.

Remember the Sea Hunt television series which ran from 1958 to 1961? It starred man's man Lloyd Bridges as ex-Navy frogman Mike Nelson. Mike was an action kind of guy who signalled what kind of program it was right from the opening sequence. There, enveloped in its suitably bold, expansive theme, you saw the ever-ready Bridges pulling down his mask and jumping over the side; his trusty scuba equipment strapped firmly to his back, providing the necessary oxygen for his demanding deeds of derring-do in the undersea world we all wanted to see.

None of it --- absolutely none of it -- would have been possible without that scuba equipment, enabling Bridges to go beneath the surface and chase, flipper-powered, sea villains and marauders of every kind. Equally, there wouldn't have been a good vehicle for showcasing, too, the bevy of "Sea Hunt girls",  with their sun-tanned looks and figure-hugging bathing suits, hot stuff for 1958. They didn't usually venture underwater, the better to stay aship shouting "Mike! Mike!" at regular intervals whenever his scrapping manly talents were called for.

The underwater world of Mike Nelson, its too little known but always eye-catching panoramas and astonishing vistas, was opened by one particular man's inventive genius. This is that notable man's riveting story, and his name is...

Dr. Christian Lambertsen, dead at his home in Newtown Square, Pennsylvania, February 11, 2011.

Christian Lambertsen, born May 15, 1917 in Westfield, New Jersey had virtually every advantage life can provide. He was intelligent, blond with chiseled good looks, well educated (Rutgers University B.S. 1939; University of Pennsylvania, M.D. 1943)... with unlimited curiosity and the wherewithal to turn questions into practical applications. Most of all, however, he had been abundantly gifted with the desire to serve. It was the most important gift of all.

Lambertsen's first important invention was created in 1939 whilst still a medical student.  World War II had just begun when he invented a revolutionary underwater breathing system. It was called "self-contained underwater breathing apparatus," shortened to scuba.

Before World War II, military divers wore cumbrous metal helmets that pumped breathable air through hoses tethered to boats on the water's surface. This "Lambertsen Amphibious Respirator Unit," (or LARU) let divers swim freely and steathily. It used pure oxygen and was a closed system. Equipped with a carbon dioxide filter, it enabled the diver to rebreathe the air he exhaled while underwater, which made the system bubbleless... and therefore invaluable for covert naval operations.

Predictably, the Navy turned it down, preferring their now grossly outmoded equipment and system with its tell-tale bubbles. Fortunately wiser heads prevailed. After Dr. Lambertsen demonstrated the LARU in the pool of the Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C. in 1942 to officials of the Office of Strategic Services (wartime precursor to the CIA), OSS jumped on the invention... and recruited its inventor, too. They never made a wiser decision, not least because soon-to-be Capt. Lambertsen didn't just invent this revolutionary improvement... he used it in covert operations just like the other brave men. Lambertsen, for instance, not only swam with but often lead the most dangerous of missions; attaching explosives to Japanese vessels off the coast of Burma in the last months of the war.

As a medical doctor, Lambertsen didn't have to go, but he did. "He wasn't someone to let someone else do it," recalled Walter Mess, who had been commander of a near-silent 85-foot vessel that ferried the divers, usually in the dark, within 2,000 feet of shore. "Sometimes they were recon missions, sometimes to bring back downed airmen." It was just the kind of work Mike Nelson would have jumped to do... only Lambertsen got there first. He had a way of doing that... For this important and dangerous work, Major General William J. Donovan, who knew a valuable man when he saw one, awarded him the Legion of Merit.

But Lambertsen was just getting started...

After the OSS was disbanded in 1945, Dr. Lambertsen arranged to demonstrate LARU to all the military branches. In 1948, when others were joyfully going home to Peoria, Lambertsen began training the Navy's elite underwater demolition teams, the precursor of the Navy SEALs, to  use the system. Very likely, then, Lambertsen trained Mike Nelson, too.  He was after all the Founding Father and well deserving of the Distinguished Service Award from the OSS Society, honoring former intelligence officers. Lambertsen was one of the best.

But, so early so inventive, the best was yet to come... usually emanating from his 40-plus year affiliation with alma mater Penn. Perhaps, amongst so many achievements, he was proudest of establishing in 1968 the Institute for Environmental Medicine, which has conducted multidisciplinary studies of oxygen toxicity, diving- related diseases and aerospace medicine. It was the fullest of lives, always grounded in service, worthy objectives set; worthy objectives met... and always with courtesy, self-effacement, and dedication to the welfare of others.

With Lambertsen's death, the fast-thinning ranks of World War II veterans, is thinner still. Did Lambertsen before the end see his special, unique, irreplaceable generation as the precursor of even better generations to come? Or did he bemoan, as many do, the selfish, me-centered millions who followed the vets... living comfortable lives based upon the sacrifices of their fathers, and mothers, too? Empirical, he must have wondered at what ensued and what was to come.

But let us conclude as we began: adventuring with scuba into the awe- inspiring, mesmerizing world of the seas, a world that Lambertsen did so much to reveal, not least by inventing the tools that made "Sea Hunt" possible and so exciting, too, though not perhaps as exciting as Lambertsen's own high adventure.

About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc.,
where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online.
Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books.

Republished with author's permission by Sylvia Kinzie

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